PO Box 789
Atlanta, MI. 49709 Phone: 989.785.8022 Fax: 989.785.8023 |
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm |
The Montmorency County Clerk's Office is committed to providing service to all individuals who are in need of our services. The following items can be obtained: Birth, Death and Marriage Records; Assumed Name Certificate (DBA); Military Discharge; Concealed Pistol License; & Notary Application.
The County Clerk is a Constitutional Officer who is elected for a four-year term. The duties of the County Clerk are prescribed by state statute, and as the "keeper of records" for the citizens of Montmorency County, those duties are
Clerk of the 26th Circuit Court:
Has control of court files, maintains all court case filings, administers oaths and is the keeper of the Circuit Court Seal which is used to certify over 275 different documents. Clerk of the Court:
Submits court vouchers, bond and restitution payments. Clerk of the Jury Commission:
Prepares and copies jury letters and questionnaires for Circuit, District and Probate Courts and processes jury panels for the various courts. The County Clerk is responsible for notification of jurors to appear for jury duty in the Circuit Court Register of Vital Statistics, Records and Indexes:
Maintains all Montmorency County births, deaths, and marriages. The Clerk's Office accepts applications and issues all marriage licenses, reviews and records all county births and death certificates, and issues certified copies as requested. Michigan Legal Help![]()
Clerk of the County Board of Commissioners:
The Clerk is required to record all the proceedings of such board in a book provided for that purpose; to make regular entries of all their resolutions and decisions upon all questions; to record the vote of each supervisor on any question submitted to the board, if required by any member present; to preserve and file all accounts acted upon by the board, and on no account to allow such accounts to be taken from his office; to certify, under the seal of the circuit court of his county, without charge, copies of any and all resolutions or decisions on any of the proceedings of such board, when required by such board or any member thereof, or when required by any other person upon payment; and such certificate shall be prima facie evidence of the matters therein set forth; to perform such other and further duties as such board may, by resolution, require. The books, records, and accounts of the county board of commissioners shall be deposited with its clerk. A writing prepared, owned, used, in the possession of, or retained by the board or an official appointed pursuant to this act in the performance of an official function shall be made available to the public in compliance with Act No. 442 of the Public Acts of 1976, being sections 15.231 to 15.246 of the Michigan Compiled Laws. The clerk shall designate upon each account upon which a sum shall be audited and allowed by the board, the amount audited and allowed, and the charges for which the same was allowed. Chief Election Officer:
Supervises elections, receives and files county petitions, serves as a member of the County Election Committee, and the clerk to the County Board of Canvassers. Tracks election results on election night for all Federal, State and County Elections. Other duties include:
Issuing Concealed Weapons permits after approval, filing of Assumed Name Certifications for businesses, processing Notary applications, serving as a member of the County Plat Board, County Apportionment Commissioner, filing of Veterans' Discharges, and doing all necessary Oaths of Office. |