Phone: 989.785.8079 Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm Open during lunch hours
Have a question for the Register of Deeds Office? Email the Register of Deeds Office. Or you may call them directly at the above listed number.
What We Do
The Register of Deeds is the Official Constitutional Recording Officer and keeper of the records for all legal documents and instruments pertaining to the transfer and encumbrance of all lands and properties within Montmorency County. This includes Mineral Interest as well as Surface Interest. The Register of Deeds must maintain reception books and indexes for all recorded documents. The indexing is done alphabetically and must appear under each name that appears on the papers, as either the first or second parties (Grantor/Grantee.) The reception books give notice to the public that the documents have been placed on record and are also part of the bookkeeping records that must be kept for the office. We also maintain a tract index that permits locating recorded information by way of the legal description. All documents must have the exact time they are received for recording and must be placed in the entry book in this order. They are given a libel and page and the exact amount received for the recording or filing must appear in the entry book immediately after the names. All documents are handled many times before the recording is complete and the instruments are ready to be returned. Every document must be checked to determine if they are in accordance with Michigan Compiled Laws recording requirements prior to being accepted for recording. All original recorded documents are scanned into our computer imaging system and then transferred to micro fiche for permanent record archival and storage off-site. The Register of Deeds serves the public with research and is also chairperson of the County Plat Board. All plats are recorded in the Register of Deeds office. The office is used by Abstractors, Title Companies, Mortgage Corporations, Real Estate Agents, Attorneys, Oil and Gas Land men, and individuals who check on the recording and filing of many papers pertaining to their professional or personal business. Our office is also utilized by local townships within our county for assessing and taxation purposes and is the starting place for the entire tax base.