Must be 21 years of age, U.S. Citizen, must have resided in the state of Michigan for at least 6 months prior to application. Must meet certain criteria as to criminal history and mental illness and must provide proof of pistol training and safety programs from a certified firearm instructor. Must have a valid state-issued driver's license or personal identification card.
File an application with the County Clerk in the county in which he/she resides. Include a copy of certificate of pistol safety training course, if applicant does not have a digitized photo on file with the Michigan Secretary of State, include a passport-quality photo. Pay the $100 new applicant fee. New applicants will need to be fingerprinted by the sheriff's office, state police, local police agency, or other agency that provides fingerprinting services (approximate cost $17). Once printed, results are forwarded to MSP for processing.
Renewal Information
The Michigan State Police (MSP) Concealed Pistol License (CPL) Unit began accepting CPL renewal applications by mail and through the online system on November 1, 2018. Those eligible to submit their CPL renewal application online will receive a renewal notice through the U.S. mail from the county clerk that issued their CPL containing a PIN. Once in receipt of the PIN, CPL applicants may proceed to to submit their renewal application.
CPL holders who receive renewal notices not containing a PIN are not eligible to renew online or you may submit a completed CPL renewal application, with payment, to the MSP CPL Unit, P.O. Box 30634, Lansing, Michigan 48909, or renew in person at their county clerk’s office.
Renewal applications may not be submitted more than 6 months before, nor one year after, the expiration of the current CPL. The renewal fee is $115.